Archive for ‘Greek Food’ Category

Angelina cooks…. Feta and filo parcels- with a twist.

One of our favorite chefs, Angelina Kalogeropoulou, has started to become a cult figure with her charming  presentations of delicious and easy dishes to prepare, to bring some Greek  flavours, scents sunshine into your kitchens. Our clients love her and we are so lucky to have her! You can follow her on our social media, … Read More


Kilada in the Argolis – better known as “Where??”

Posted by Ileana von Hirsch:     “Where?” ask my Greek friends when I say that I have just come back from a wonderful trip to Kilada. “Kilada,”I reply, “You know, that cute little provincial seaside town in the Argolis,  on the east coast of the Peloponnese, famous for its small, succulent pink shrimps and … Read More


A gastronome’s guide to Tinos

    With over 50 picturesque villages and many more pigeon houses (the total is well over 1000), Tinos is an island to discover in a leisurely way over many days. The landscape morphs from lush vineyards into looping coastal roads, barren boulder land,  and deep marble quarries. Within just a ten minute drive, its … Read More


Four reasons the French love Sifnos, or Pourquoi les francais aiment Sifnos..

  I don’t know why I have come over all gallic, but that is the effect that cosmopolitan and  soigné Sifnos has on me. Sadly  my computer does not come over all gallic, so cedilles and accents graves are missing.. Let’s start with the food – La Bouffe. Sifniots take great care about their food, … Read More


Magical Syros

  There is good food, there is bad food, and OK food. I can cook  all three kinds, especially the last two. Then there is the food where you close your eyes and let something magic happen in the universe. I can’t do this at all, but chef Costas Bouyiouris  can. I will just say … Read More


The best taverna in Greece

Dedicated to Billie Cohen of Condé Nast Traveler.   The real joy of travelling is not in seeing things –  the world is so overrun with images already – but in experiencing things, the magic moments are when we become someone different from our usual selves.   I was in slow, gracious Charleston, South Carolina … Read More


Where to eat seafood in Athens – best kept secret!

A the risk of appearing to spend all my time in Athens going out for dinner, I do have to share this latest one with you – not new, but so well hidden you might not know it.  Psariston, on Kalavriton 16, Neo Iraklio The name is a pun on Psari – which means … Read More


Food for thought on Ithaca…

Ithaca, while being undoubtedly the loveliest island in the Mediterranean, has always had shocking food by Greek standards. Now there is a reason for foodies to make the trip there – Penelope’s is an old waterside taverna in the cute village of Frikes The somewhat corpulent ex -mayor of the island has given up politics … Read More


September in the Greek islands – London to Kephalonia

September 13th. My heart does not usually leap for joy when I  drive off to Luton Airport at six in the morning, but…… What a fortnight – doctors, surgeons, emergency clinics, consultants, hospital administrators, insurance companies  – I have developed a new Pavlovian reaction: whenever a man in a suit says hello to me,  I wordlessly hand … Read More


Spetses, Proust and almond cookies

An invitation dropped into my mailbox to visit the famous confectioner’s Kardiasmenou on Spetses for Greek coffee and pastries. A picture of their speciality almond cookies, “Amygdalota” was on it. Like a Proustian madeleine, a slow, sweet, torrent of memories starts flooding in – No Greek would ever turn up to dinner, tea or any social … Read More


Evi’s Easter Lamb recipe

Evi’s Greek Easter lamb recipe: Vegetarians, small children and Temperance League, look away…. Ask your local shepherd to supply you with a whole young lamb and put it on a spit. Choose a flowery meadow with an olive tree nearby and preferably a little pebble beach within greasy finger wiping distance. At around 6.00 am, … Read More


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