Archive for ‘Greek Islands’ Category

Style on Spetses

Spetses is one of Greece’s more civilised islands – it avoids excesses of all kinds, neither tat nor ostentation. Impeccable breeding and manners.  This is what attracts the older money and European chiceria who feel perfectly at home. They arrive in their yachts  or drive down from Athens and catch one of the gaily painted … Read More


Greece’s Deep South – an insider view.

SECRETS OF THE TAYGETUS – living in the skirts of The Prophet. A guest blog by James Heneage.   Eight years ago we moved into a shepherd’s hut, the only building standing on the new land we’d bought just north of Kardamyli in the Peloponnese and were contemplating the task of creating our idea of … Read More


Athens – Spotlight on Kolonaki

The steep little area around  Kolonaki square is one of the liveliest meeting places of Athenians – the Greenwich Village of  of Athens, where artists, writers, plutocrats, elegant ladies, young men about town,  politicians, business men, lawyers, designers, diplomats, housewives and hurdy-gurdy men all jostle along together.   We love the happy juxtaposition of the hyper-fashionable, … Read More


Mykonos- back to its roots

My father’s family were an old and not very ambitious Greek shipowning family-  hence my working for a living.  His generation though knew how to live well, and was the generation which “discovered” Mykonos, fell for its gorgeous little port with its maze of alleys, its hillside  all hedgehog-prickled with windmills and dovecotes, rosy-pink in … Read More


Greek wildfires – How can we help?

Kind clients and friends have asked us how they can donate to help victims of the tragic wildfires that have affected people and wildlife  this August. Here are the ones we recommend: HELP THE ANIMALS   EDKE The Greek Action of Volunteer Veterinarians (EDKE) ALPHA BANK IBAN GR66 0140 1240 1240 0200 2007 199 BIC: … Read More


What is Greece like in winter?

What is Greece like in November?  Where in Greece would be a good place to escape to this winter? Is Greece a Christmas destination?   These are questions we are being asked more frequently, as long-haul and ski resorts appear less and less likely to be on offer as Christmas holiday destinations, and as lockdowns in … Read More


Five Star Greece takes you on a musical adventure – Introduction

    We are blessed with a fabulous network of friends and contacts, and Pavlos Carvalho has thrilled us all by agreeing to make a series of videos to  show some of the secrets behind Greek music – the history, the rhythms, the voices, the instruments, the passion, so that  we can share  the love  … Read More


Angelina cooks…. Part 2 – Giouverlakia with Avgolemono sauce

That is meatballs in egg and lemon sauce to you… This is a unique Greek combination of flavours and for us, the most delicate and evocative taste sensation in Greek cooking. Greek mothers make chicken broth with avgolemono sauce and rice for any ailment from a broken leg to a broken heart, and it usually … Read More


Angelina cooks…. Feta and filo parcels- with a twist.

One of our favorite chefs, Angelina Kalogeropoulou, has started to become a cult figure with her charming  presentations of delicious and easy dishes to prepare, to bring some Greek  flavours, scents sunshine into your kitchens. Our clients love her and we are so lucky to have her! You can follow her on our social media, … Read More


Kilada in the Argolis – better known as “Where??”

Posted by Ileana von Hirsch:     “Where?” ask my Greek friends when I say that I have just come back from a wonderful trip to Kilada. “Kilada,”I reply, “You know, that cute little provincial seaside town in the Argolis,  on the east coast of the Peloponnese, famous for its small, succulent pink shrimps and … Read More


Tinos stars in the April issue of Food and Travel magazine

Five Star Greece is smiling from ear to ear at having been invited to contribute to Food and Travel’s excellent article about Tinos, an unspoiled foodie speck just a few miles  from Mykonos. Hotels on Tinos are few and far between, so villas are the natural choice, and we have some very beautiful  and luxurious … Read More